Date: 1991, 2010
Country: USA
Publisher: Llewellyn
Number of Cards: 79
ISBN: 978-0-73872-339-6
Type: Golden Dawn
Reference: Encyclopedia of Tarot, vol. IV, pp. 362, 363

Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero are Senior Adepts of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. They were personal friends of Israel Regardie who was involved in the Wang Golden Dawn deck, and according to the Cicero's was unhappy with that deck and so comissioned the Cicero's to create another version. But he died in 1985 after seeing only some preliminary sketches.
Sandra Cicero created the original artwork in oil, following the card descriptions given in the writings of the Order of the Golden Dawn and Chic Cicero co-wrote the book accompanying the deck.
Each Major Arcana includes a Hebrew letter and an elemental or astrological symbol, the court cards show elemental symbols, the pips show astrological and elemental symbols. The specific elemental energies are depicted by flashing colours (two complimentary colours, that are on opposite sides of the colour wheel which, when stared at, will swap places with each other in an optical effect).There are two versions of the Temperance card included.

The four grades from Zelator to Philosophus each represent an element, Earth, Air, Water, Fire. The Portal ritual symbolizes the equilibration of all of these, their sublimation into the element of Spirit, hence the alchemical language and Tarot imagery for the Path of Samekh from Yesod to Tiphereth. The Path of Samekh is the direct way, between the Paths of Nun and Ayin, which are Death and the Devil in the Tarot, and are present in the ritual diagram.

There also exists an unauthorized Romanian edition published 1998 by Editura Ananta. This edition substitutes astrological signs for the Hebrew letters on the bottom left corners of the Major Arcana and has a different image for the Hanged Man.
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