Date: 1880, reproduction 2000
Country: Italy
Publisher: Lo Sarabeo
Number of Cards: 78
ISBN: 888395057-7
Type: Marseilles
Reference: Encyclopedia of Tarot, vol. IV, pp. 680-681

This version of Dellarocca’s deck was produced by the Avondo Brothers of Serravalle-Sesia, a small town known for its card production. It was reproduced in 2000 by Lo Scarabeo as the Ancient Italian Tarot.
The trumps in this deck are based on Marseilles symbolism. As typically Italian modification the Magician (I - Il Bagatto) becomes an artisan, probably a cobbler.
This deck is similiar to "The Classical Tarots", which is a recoloured reprint of Della Rocca's original engravings from 1835. In the Classical Tarots, the fields of the images have been narrowed slightly to allow for the printing of keywords along the border. In the Ancient Italian Tarot deck the lines are thicker and less detailed. The deck has not been re-colored, and the colors are darker. The pip cards in the Ancient Italian contain Arabic numerals, whereas the Classical pips have roman numerals.

The Ace of Coins has the tax stamp and Winged Mercury in the center of the coin. The extra tax stamp, dated 1880, towards the top the card is in black, indicating that the deck was for domestic market. The vegetation throughout the pip cards is heavier and more lavish than in any other deck.
do you want sell this deck ? i like the green back design. thank you.