Date: 1995, 1999
Country: France
Publisher: Dervy
Number of Cards: 78
ISBN: 978-2850-768637
Type: Marseilles
Reference: Encyclopedia of Tarot, vol.IV, pp. 83,84

Willy Vassaux is a French cartoonist, well known for his comic book histories of the battles of World War II. This deck was created in 1995 and first named Tarot des Grands Inities du Moyen Age (Tarot of the Great Initiates of the Middle Ages). It was mentioned in Kaplan's Encyclopedia as an unpublished Tarot design. In 1999 it was published by Dervy as Le Tarot des Templiers (Tarot of the Templars).
It was rendered in pen and ink and has Kabbalistic references and other symbols worked into the figures and background. Trumps I through X are associated with their corresponding Sephiroth, indicated on small banners. Other Hebrew words are found on banners as well.

It was packaged as both a single deck (with no LWB) and a book and deck set (which includes a 160-page French only book by Jean-Louis Victor) . Mine is the single deck edition. Parts of the book are translated into English by Marc Filipas and can be found at pasteboardmasquerade.
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