Creator(s): Johannes Trismegiste
Date: 1843*, 1876*, 1983
Country: France
Publisher: Dusserre
Number of Cards: 78
Type: Etteilla
Reference: Tarot Garden

The first version of this deck was designed 1843 by Lorambert under the pseudonym Johannes
Trismegiste. It was published with Jules Laisne and appeared
in a book called
L'Art de tirer les cartes, revelations completes sur
les destinees au moyen des cartes et des tarots, d'apres les methodes
les plus certaines (The Art of Rreading the Cards, complete instructions
on fortune-telling by means of cards and tarots, according to the most
reliable methods). It was reprinted unchanged in 1850.

In 1864 there appeared a new edition called J
eu de la Princesse Tarot. The designs of the cards remained the same, but some titles and inscriptions of the trumps and names of court cards and aces where changed to a more ancient Egyptian style to emphasize their supposed origins, e.g. number 3 was called Anubis. The production was continued by Wattillaux (1874-1908).
Dussere reprinted one of the Wattillaux J
eu de la Princesse Tarots from around 1876, which was preserved in the National Library in Paris as photoreproduction. A modified version of this deck has been reproduced in 1996 by Lo Scarabeo as the
Esoteric Ancient Tarots.

The cards were numbered consecutively from 1 to 78, following the system started by Etteilla to emphasize that the cards were pages of an ancient book. The cards have a central image surrounded by a large border
with two lines of text at the bottom. The first is the card title the second line it’s divinatory meaning. At the top of
the card is a reversed printed line with the
reversed divinatory meaning.
In spite of their titles the cards do not portray convincing Egyptian iconography instead they incorporate symbology from such sources as Genesis and the Hermetic creation myths of The Divine Pymander.
hello, I have this deck 1843 ou 1850 edition. Complete and good condition. Do you have an idea of the price ?